Bug race d&d
Bug race d&d

bug race d&d

Schools of development and planning were founded to find sustainable ways to grow population. This is where their civilization would flourish.Įventually, their huge population dwindled to a more manageable size, which is when their culture began expanding and they evolved in mindset from their original insect hive ways. The insectoids were driven down under to the depths of the most unknown in Underdark to bear the rest of their days. Millions died from starvation as their drones worked only to maintain their queen. Insectoid population soon became unsustainable due to the sheer amount of mouths to feed. When their harvesting encroached on foreign lands, they were easily killed and repelled by more advanced societies. However, the strains of a larger size were apparent too, as they required more and more resources to sustain themselves. Insectoids, like their original forms, had no trouble reproducing hordes. The druid cult was believed to have been disbanded early but few knew of the insectoids they left behind, which were left free to populate amongst themselves. These progressed to become the insectoids. A small cult of druids are believed to have performed such magic experiments, which resulted in the rapid evolution of regular insects into large larvae and pupae. This is supported by current research into their unstable bodies, which, until they fully mature, are able to take on many properties to adapt to stress and environments. Insectoids are believed to originate from insects exposed to magic which altered their very genetic structure. They have a tendency to walk on their four legs but are occasionally seen walking on all six legs often. Some have wings and others have snapping jaws. They can have up to four eyes or even compound eyes. Their body is composed of a head, a thorax where their limbs are, and an abdomen. However, in most cases, the insectoid has a multi segmented body, with 4 legs, 2 arms, and 2 antennae. As such, no insectoids look anything like another. Based on the conditions of their environment, and their own wishes, certain parts of their genome become unlocked.

bug race d&d

The insectoids are a race of medium sized insect beasts with unstable genetic structure. I guess it's my duty to make sure the surface world never hears the story of what you have seen.

bug race d&d

An elf or a human is okay, a dwarf is better, but how do I explain to the queen, that all that tripped the wire today, was a few little halfling children. After all that fighting, to only get a small morsel for the Queen. You halflings aren't even worth the trouble of attacking.

Bug race d&d